In Praise of Mindset Mastery "Genius Principles"
"3 years ago I took over the full ownership and running of my family’s 30 year old insurance broking business. I particularly wanted to make it my own and stamp my personality on it.I was already confident in my knowledge and skills as well as my ability to give my clients the highest standard of service. I found, however, that the transition from the old way of doing things to the new way, didn’t just need a change of processes – a change in thinking was also necessary as certain aspects of running the business seemed a daunting prospect.
Thanks to Lysette's coaching I’ve 'felt the fear and done it anyway!', attending networking meetings, giving talks and even appearing in my own videos. Things that many of us find difficult to do. The business is growing and I am on track to reach my goals. I have a Business Coach so it makes perfect sense to have a Mindset Coach as well. Working with Lysette is one of the best investments I’ve made for myself and my business."

Jo Spencer, Chartered Insurance Broker
Marc Denton
"I [learned, practised and implemented] techniques to propel myself forward as an individual and aid my personal development journey, which in turn, has unlocked barriers in my business. I was tunnel-visioned... and didn't have any awareness of other people's perspectives... I'm certainly more aware now of my actions and reactions... and [this] has led me to making better and better-informed decisions in the business and personally."
Marc Denton, Independent Wealth & Tax Planner at The Wow Company, Investor in H2H business
Stephanie Ozanne
Investor and Entrepreneur, TechPixies Social Media Management and "Women in Crypto"
Steve Chad
Customer Engagement Manager, Entrepreneur & Author
Caryl Coulthard
Online Entrepreneur, Former Nurse, now Health & Nutrition Expert
Rebecca Preen
Law Student - Final year at University of Sussex. Goal: Training Contract or Paralegal
Imogen Drummond
Law Student - PGDL at BPP University, Bristol. Goal: Commercial Law Firm Solicitor
Isaac Thurgood
Final year History Undergraduate and Aspiring Commercial Lawyer.
I waited years to get this feeling
Lisa talks about the profound changes she has made to her life in just one session.
"My mind was so full of clutter, and just very confused and very stressed..... and now, after that session.... it's literally just vanished.... I've waited years to get this feeling."
Lisa Walker, Entrepreneur
Simple, practical and comfortable
Steve talks about how easy change can be.
The work we did together was not only useful for me but it was also simple and practical to implement. We proceeded at a speed that was very comfortable for me too.
Steve Chad
Uxbridge, Middlesex

"Before I worried unnecessarily about things that I could not control and would often make situations worse in my head which led me to avoiding situations altogether.
However, thanks to lysette, I am now able to rationalise my thoughts and see things for what they really are, which has not only enabled me to put myself in situations which would previously have made me anxious, but also given me the skills and tools that I can use in the future to ensure that I live my life to the fullest.
Besides, after identifying that much of that stress stemmed from awaiting my A level results, I realised that all of that worrying was for nothing when I received my A level grades A*AB and will be starting my first choice university in September!"
Kate Walkling, Student
"Hi Lysette,
Just wanted to thank you for supporting me at a time I was finding myself feeling frustrated not being able to deal with overbearing people around me, who have been holding me back from moving forward in my career and have a balanced home life. The self-belief and strength I have gained through our sessions has been astonishing. I’ve been amazed how simple the process was for me to discover that I have the strength to move forward. You helped me to be focus on what’s important and helped me identify the changes I wanted to make. People around me have also noticed how much I’ve changed after only 2 sessions with you. I am forever grateful to you for supporting me through this journey.”
Javinder Sehmi, Branch Manager, Santander Bank, Ashford


By Invitation
Achieve a higher level of career satisfaction and success with our step-by-step programme.
How Smart and Ambitious Women and Men Tap into Their Innate Genius to Advance to The Next Level.
Few people realise the extent of our ability to create the career and life we want and yet we see people doing just that - so what do they know and do to make that happen? They have accessed their inner genius so that they get more of what they do want and less of what they don't want, and you have this power too.

By Invitation
1 to1 Executive Coaching
1 to 1 Personal Development
Bespoke Mental Rehearsal Resources & Guidance
Questions, Tasks, Challenges, Q&A Sessions
Accountability and Progress Updates
Quit judging, criticising & comparing
Learn new ways to respond
Eliminate destructive beliefs
Demolish roadblocks & barriers to progress
See yourself & others clearly
Discover your true purpose & mission
Create your roadmap & strategy
Blast through personal & business goals
Boost personal strengths & competence
Establish true self-esteem & confidence
Build productive, rewarding relationships
Live your life deliberately & consciously
Experience more fun & satisfaction
My intensive, no-nonsense 1-to-1 Velocity Coaching and undivided attention is by invitation only. Please book a call to find out more and discover if you qualify.
"[You] have helped give me the personal confidence and inner contentment that I needed following the break up with my long term partner. My outlook on life has changed for the better, as have the people I am attracting into it!"
J.H., Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire
"Having had a very stressful week at work I wasn't sure how easy it would be to wind down however I was amazed how relaxed I felt after my session. I would happily recommend a relaxation session to anyone looking to de-stress or chill out and encourage them to find an hour for themselves in their busy schedule."
S.C., High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
"I have always had a problem with confidence which is not always easy for a male to address, and also suffered from very low self esteem. I can honestly say that I now feel like a new person, as it has completely transformed my thinking and outlook on life for the better. I would highly recommend to anyone that is suffering with a confidence problem of any kind."
J.R., Reading, Berkshire
Work-Life Balance
Michelle talks about changing her work-life balance with the help of Sounds Positive's Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy.
"I realised I was making my own deadlines, my own pressure to be perfect… Home became the priority. It’s amazing…. happily I went on to have a little boy. maybe one of the reasons I wasn’t getting pregnant was more of a mental block…"
Michelle Paice, Entrepreneur
"I had always had a fear of public speaking and having a job that required me to make short presentations on a regular basis was becoming very stressful. I have had one session and it has helped to show me where my fear of public speaking has come from and therefore how I can combat it. The day after my session I attended a networking lunch and for the first time was able to present without fear and even with a little humour - huge progress! I now look forward to events such as these rather than dreading them which is beneficial not only for me personally but also for the business that I represent."
K.W., Henley onThames, Oxfordshire
"Having never done anything like [this] before I kept an open mind about what it was all about. To my surprise I found [it] to be very beneficial and helped me get a sense of confidence and real hope for the future of my business."
J.P., Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
"I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was really very relaxing and easy; I'd never really understood why I'd had a problem handling criticism in that my instinct was simply to clam up with the urge to cry. [This] enabled me to find the underlying cause of this reaction and helped me to clear it up. Since then I feel much more confident in saying what it is I want and why."
K.T., Company Director, Maidenhead, Berkshire
A trainee policeman, Eddie, was told by his supervisors that he was probably not cut out to be in this job, despite his people skills making him the ideal bobby
"My confidence was at an all time low, and I could not see how I could improve my learning ability and I was very close to giving up the training. Lysette’s attitude is fantastic, her people skills and way of thinking towards people, from their school years through to adult life is exceptional. If there were more teachers/trainers with Lysette’s skills/outlook and disposition, I think more people would find they have more to offer than they probably realise."
Eddie Urwin, Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire
"After my initial consultation, I was confident it would be able to help me moderate my drinking, which over time had become a concern to me. Over the course of three sessions, I was equipped with some useful everyday techniques that would help me in everyday life situations. It also helped me to untangle some of the underlying causes - some of which were in surprising places."
M.S., Nettlebed, Oxfordshire
"When I rang initially I asked for help with weight loss. I soon realised my weight was only part of it. After a few sessions, I became more confident, self-assured and realised I was always trying to please everyone else, except myself. Also in the past I had been ill, now I feel healthy and complete, I know it is more important to love yourself and not necessarily the way you look."
K.C., Marlow, Buckinghamshire
"I did my homework for the full 4 weeks as recommended by you, but discovered (to my delight) a massive improvement in my confidence from about the second week. By the end of the course, I was a new man. I've never looked back."
P.D., Bakersville, N Carolina, USA
Advanced Thinking- Emotionally Intelligent Communication
Rachel describes her experience of the workshop
"We don’t realise just how much we’re on autopilot, and we let our thoughts control our feelings and our behaviour. This workshop teaches you to stop and engage your brain, and understand that you do actually have a choice about how you think and feel and what you actually do."
Rachel McGuinness, Entrepreneur
After a few sessions of Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy, the facial ticks were less obvious and easier to control, but this teenager continued to make progress and a couple of years later his mum sent this message:
"My son graduated this summer. He's much more outgoing and confident than he was. He's found himself a job to do exactly what he wanted to do and is getting lots of valuable experience. And best of all, there's no sight or sound of the ticks!"
J.D., Oxford
"I always look to support myself both personally and professionally. I have made tremendous strides forward in the last few years but felt a few "things" locked in my mind have been holding me back.
I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I can say, that after attending just one session, it has made an amazing impact on my mind and attitude. These "things" were unlocked and off loaded."
D.H., Willenhall, Warwickshire
"Not all children have the type of dreamy, social, easy fun time that we all wish for them to have at school. Instead, some have a really hard time because they are just a little bit individual. Lysette introduced a number of skills our son was able to use to help ease him through the painful times high school presented to him. He is now on his way to University and enjoying the pleasures and challenges of adult life"
Stephanie Ozanne, Marlow, Buckinghamshire
Advanced Thinking- Emotionally Intelligent Communication
Jon speaks highly of his experience
"It was absolutely brilliant. She always delivers good-value content. I would recommend Lysette to anybody who's looking for somebody to train them in a different way of thinking, to move their lives forward in a positive way."
Jon Leuty, Entrepreneur
"You think the problem will never go away, but Lysette helped me let go of it, and it couldn't have been easier.
I wish I'd come to see her earlier and not put up with the problem as long as I did.
I feel like a new man!"
S.P., Kendall, Cumbria
"Today at work I feel so much more confident about myself, especially when discussing my work and I just cannot believe the difference."
L.F., Newbury, Berkshire
"I was desperate enough to try anything and to my astonishment, despite my scepticism, IT WORKED! What can I say? Thanks!"
M.L., Raleigh, USA

"Since I came to see Lysette I have been much calmer in my approach/attitude towards my studying, even to the point that I have quite enjoyed it!
I have enjoyed learning and using my brain to make connections and understanding the material.
Colleagues at work and my husband have also commented on how positive I am towards my studies and how calm I have been!
Studying is now no longer a chore but a pleasant journey!"
Claire Harper Dip CII Dip PFS
Independent Financial Planner at ICF Financial Services Ltd, Hull
“After working with Lysette, my daughter has increased in confidence, showing real results and significant improvement in her studies.
My daughter’s attitude to learning has improved and her confidence has grown as she can see the good results from the revision that she does and how it impacts on her marks at school.
So we are both happier!”
Jayne Johnson, Better People Ltd

“George's attitude and confidence during the exams were fantastic, a complete turn around from last summer when you first saw him. Thank you so much for all your help.”
Corine Lebois-Lean
Letting go of M.E. and learning how to learn
Jamie had glandular fever which turned to M.E. Needless to say, he missed a lot of school. With a little Genius help he was able to return to school, catch up on the work he’d missed and get the grades he needed to go to his first choice university, and then graduate with a 2:1
Jamie Hall, 'A' Level Student
“Before, I was lost and hopeless. I felt that everyone around me had something ‘special’ plus I had a negative mindset. I just didn’t know what i was doing wrong or whether I was just not capable enough.
When, I found Genius Material, Lysette, softening and polite voice made me feel at ease straight away. I felt as I had found ‘new found hope’ by finding the Genius Material SYSTEM. Genius Material was everything I needed – a revision method that made me feel like I was progressing. I used Genius Material studying for my A-levels and I feel like it can benefit everyone.
I only wish I knew THIS revision method earlier so her techniques would’ve been super effective, but i’m happy with the system.
I strongly recommend anyone studying A-levels or university exams to purchase this system, as soon as their term, semester starts – to gain maximum effectiveness, and I know the method will work.”
Stephanie A, 'A' Level Student
"I'm in control now. I've got my self esteem back. Thank you so much for what you've done for me and no doubt, for countless others. Keep it up!!"
C.T. Johannesburg, South Africa
"It does not seem long since I first came to see you as a 'mixed up adult' you have listened, guided and helped me to relax and understand the problems I was trying to face alone, hurt and scared. Quite simply, now I am not, unsure perhaps, but I am positive I will be able to cope with what life has to throw at me."
F.P., Marlow, Buckinghamshire
"I came to see Lysette two years ago with the objective of stopping smoking. I spent two hours with her, walked out and two years on, I’ve not touched or felt an inclination to smoke a cigarette ever since."
S.C., Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire

By Invitation
Achieve a higher level of career satisfaction and success with our step-by-step programme.
How Smart and Ambitious Women and Men Tap into Their Innate Genius to Advance to The Next Level.
Few people realise the extent of our ability to create the career and life we want and yet we see people doing just that - so what do they know and do to make that happen? They have accessed their inner genius so that they get more of what they do want and less of what they don't want, and you have this power too.

By Invitation
1 to1 Executive Coaching
1 to 1 Personal Development
Bespoke Mental Rehearsal Resources & Guidance
Questions, Tasks, Challenges, Q&A Sessions
Accountability and Progress Updates
Quit judging, criticising & comparing
Learn new ways to respond
Eliminate destructive beliefs
Demolish roadblocks & barriers to progress
See yourself & others clearly
Discover your true purpose & mission
Create your roadmap & strategy
Blast through personal & business goals
Boost personal strengths & competence
Establish true self-esteem & confidence
Build productive, rewarding relationships
Live your life deliberately & consciously
Experience more fun & satisfaction
My intensive, no-nonsense 1-to-1 Velocity Coaching and undivided attention is by invitation only. Please book a call to find out more and discover if you qualify.