Why would you want to know how to develop a growth mindset? And what would having a growth mindset do for your children?
Well, have you ever wondered why is it that some folks stall at the first hurdle and others pick themselves up and have another go?
“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”
Walt Disney
It’s all to do with mindset. Of course, we talk about mental toughness when we recognise the tremendous achievements of our Olympic and Paralympic athletes, Not to mention the incredible courage of those acknowledged in the Pride of Britain Awards – but do we really know how to actually develop a growth mindset for ourselves?
Luckily, the truth is out there, as they say! There’s plenty of research and evidence to show us what it will do for us and teach us exactly how to go about it too.
Managing your mind
It all comes down to belief.
The Fixed mindset
If you have a fixed mindset you will believe that your basic attributes, such as intelligence or talent are fixed traits you were born with. Your focus your energy on acknowledging that intelligence or talent instead of focusing on developing them, because you believe success comes from what you’ve got instead of making the effort.
They are wrong!
“ I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”
Michael Jordan
The Growth Mindset
According to the Stanford University psychologist, Carol Dweck, after spending decades of studying achievement and success, it’s the people with a growth mindset who are more likely to succeed in achieving their goals. They are the folks who believe that their most basic abilities can be developed providing they make sufficient effort and keep trying.
“It’s not always people who start out the smartest who end up the smartest.” Carol Dweck
Could it be that she’s on to something?
Because she insists that it’s the people who have developed a growth mindset who enjoy a love of learning and resilience that keeps them learning, and it is these traits that are essential for success.
“Amateurs call it genius. Masters call it practice.”
Thierry Henry
What’s more, she says that virtually everyone has these qualities and consequently the opportunity for great accomplishment.
Psychology has identified three mindsets shared by people who actually follow through on their goals
When you lack one of these three mindsets it all goes horribly wrong! You’re less willing to continue working hard when things get tricky, especially when you believe there’s no hope for improvement. But you can develop a growth mindset, and change your mind and your results. Here’s how.
“It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
Albert Einstein
Who am I do disagree? But I’d say he was half right!
Develop a Growth Mindset: How To Make Sure Your Kids Have Grit
Resilience is the name of the game. You don’t get it by just announcing you have it. It’s not some sort of futile positive thinking exercise. You have to develop it. Here’s how it works.
Top-Notch Teacher Writes On Desks To Inspire Her Students
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One little change in how you talk to your kids can help them be more successful
They never tell you this, but there’s one simple, and quick thing you can do habitually that will make all the difference to your child’s willingness to take the steps necessary to grow.
Science says parents of successful kids have these 11 things in common
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How To Teach Children That Failure Is The Secret To Success
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“It’s impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all; in which case you fail by default.”
JK Rowling
I can’t
Strength doesn’t come from what you can already do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.
So as Carol Dweck would say, whenever you catch yourself or your children feeling frustrated, and saying, “I can’t,” just add one little word…
a good read on this is Carol Dwecks Mindset
Hi Tony, Absolutely, agree with you. Carol Dweck is the Queen of Growth Mindsets! I often write about it. Carol Dweck did a great TED talk, as did Keith Peters. There’s a link to his talk here. https://staging.genius-material.com/are-you-a-failure I found another good video this week, which I’ll be sharing soon. Without a growth mindset, not a lot happens!! 🙂