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Biggest revision mistakes: Bad ‘tude, dude! 

By  Lysette Offley

Biggest revision mistakes: Bad ‘tude, dude! - photo of stressed womanI received a phone call recently from an A-level student panicking that she only had two weeks before her first exam. She felt ill-prepared and anxious about the time she’d wasted.

She spent a good 10 minutes explaining why she was in a pickle – What she had done, what she hadn’t done, what there wasn’t time for, how much she needed to pass these exams, the dire consequences of failing them etc etc

I found I simply couldn’t interrupt her! She had to get the whole complaint out there! But of course, to my mind, that was another ten minutes of revision time she’d lost, by focusing on all the problems instead of accepting where she is right now, and designing a constructive plan to move forward.

How much time have you wasted, expressing your resentment at having to take exams at all, at having to prove yourself all over again? How much time have you wasted, focusing on what is not possible rather than on what you can do?

If you want to find out more about how you can cut hours off your revision and pass your exams easily, take a look at Genius Material, the complete revision system for exam success. Or, give me a shout and find out how we can expedite your learning process.

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Lysette Offley

Genius Maker & Founder of Genius Material and The Genius Principles. Working with professionals who need exceptional academic & professional development.

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