Categories: Brain, General, Health

Under Cover – sleep positions 

By  Lysette Offley

Under Cover - sleep positions - photo of man asleep on the grass
OK! So sleep’s important for our mental health, immune system, for maintaining a healthy weight, for consolidating new information when we’re learning… There has to be a good evolutionary reason for our spending a third of our lives asleep!
But if you share a bed, have you ever wondered about sleeping positions and what they mean?
Here’s an interesting article by Barbara and Alan Pease:

His and Her Sleeping Habits Explained

If a psychologist could watch you and your partner sleeping, what would your body language reveal about your relationship?

There again, if you sleep on your own, the position you sleep in is still thought to be indicative of your personality. Have a look at this and see if you can find your sleeping style in the photos, and let me know if you agree with the assessment.What does your sleeping position say about you? : Sleepnround Blog

We all have a favourite sleeping position and research shows that there may be more to this than just comfort. According to the UK Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service there are six common sleeping positions …

If you sleep with a snorer, your sleeping position will make little difference, and many people end up sleeping in a different room – just to get some sleep. Because, partners of snorers (victims of second hand snoring) not only have high levels of tiredness, but have more likelihood of noise-induced hearing loss.

One study from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., found that spouses of snorers woke up, at least partially, an average of 21 times an hour, nearly as often as the 27 times the snorers were awakened by their sleep apnea episodes.

Second-hand snoring can take a health toll on bed partners…

Sleeping with a snorer – New York Times

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Lysette Offley

Genius Maker & Founder of Genius Material and The Genius Principles. Working with professionals who need exceptional academic & professional development.

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